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Power the Future

Delivering efficiency & sustainability by providing reliable renewable energy with cutting edge technology

Part of

VEGA Group

About Us

VEGA Group is a pioneering company in the field of renewable energies in Albania and beyond. Specialized in the photovoltaics sector and electric vehicle charging infrastructure, we are leading the way towards a sustainable and green future.

Our comprehensive approach offers a 360-degree service, ensuring that from self-consumption photovoltaic systems to utility-scale projects, every solution is designed to meet the highest standards of excellence and innovation.

Committed to advancing renewable energies, VEGA Group stands at the forefront of creating a cleaner, more sustainable tomorrow.


We deliver end-to-end solutions in photovoltaic systems for both self-consumption and large-scale utility projects, covering every phase from initial concept and planning through to construction, implementation, and ongoing maintenance. Our holistic approach ensures comprehensive support and unparalleled expertise throughout the entire process.

Development & Design



Development & Design



Our Projects

Explore some of our landmark projects, each reflecting our unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability.

VEGA in Numbers

0 MWp
Installed capacity
0 MWp
Under construction
0 MWp
In pipeline for 2024
0 +
executed projects

Have a project in mind?

Let's discuss about the details.